Financial Calculator

Which steps should be taken after choosing Potomac Place as your next home? Our compassionate and knowledgeable team can lead you through the necessary preparation for your move-in. To get started, just call our office for a personal tour. 703-494-3817

Financial Comparison

Our helpful financial calculator will help you compare the cost of living at home with the wonderful services and lifestyle offered at Potomac Place.

Step 1: Calculate Monthly Income

Sources of Income Amount
Pensions & Retirement: $
Insurance Incomes: $
Social Security: $
Annuities: $
Invenstment Incomes: $
Other Income: $
Income Subtotal: $
Appox. Value of Home:
If you own a house or condominium
Income from Home: $
Total Income: $

Step 2: Calculate Monthly Expenses

Utilities Amount Included at Potomac Place?
Water/Sewage/Trash: $ Yes
Electricity/Natural Gas: $ Yes
Cable TV: $ Yes
Housing Cost
$ Yes
Income from Home: $ Yes
Insurance Fire/Home Owner: $ Yes
Real Estate: $ Yes
House Cleaning: $ Yes
Security System: $ Yes
Laundry: $ Yes
Dining Services
Daily Meals: $ Yes
Home Repair & Lawn Maintenance: $ Yes
Periodic Redecorating: $ Yes
Snow Removal: $ Yes
Association Fee: $ Yes
Transportation: $ Yes
Entertainment: $ Yes
Health & Fitness Programs: $ Yes
Total Expenses: $